Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Index of Subjects and Topics

Not necessarily arranged in alphabetical order.
april-4th.htmldevil-is-in-detailseye-and-i, GIANTSingo-swann-rvisaac-newton-apple-and-666, THE-KEEP, newtown-and-aurora, m-demolitionone-eyed-jacksperceiving-patterns-and-shapes, the-philadelphia-experimentwalter-thomas-and-some-twin-towers666-fifth-avenuesymbolism-of-pyramids-and-other-shapesvarious-twin-towers-and-other-peculiar-things ,

Whether or not the i or .:. is used, there is plenty of occult symbolism abound.
Even at a basic level of perception most people can perceive random patterns of data. However, there is also the perception of synchronic(i)ty when more meaningful connections are discovered. There is plenty of symbolism amongst the various patterns of data & they tend to intersect quite a lot.
$YMBOLI$M or Patterns of Synchronicity (PS) is part of a larger "symbolic-resonanceblog referencing project, exploring reality through symbolism, coincidence and synchronicity. Also legends, metaphysics & mythology to science & fiction. Sometimes data, events & occurrences don't seem to have any extraordinary significance with or without synchronicity, its all open to interpretation from various perspectives.
Several blogs & other websites are referenced to gain a larger perspective of reality & the TRUTH. However, the truth is perceived & interpreted in so many ways & on several levels. The more curious & perceptive one is, the more likely that they will see a much larger pattern of reality. The pyramid is one of the most common symbols used around the world & has quite an ancient connection. Indeed, the world is full of corporate logos & symbols. This blog can motivate curious people to do their own analysis of various shapes & symbols by referencing many things. Movies, books & media in general is full of symbolism.
The Pyramid is both an ancient & ubiquitous symbol.

The i, eye & (I) are key interwoven symbols throughout the ages. 
The (I) is a key symbol for an intercontinental corporation that's known for its top notch service to the very well off.